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Inspiring and educative Software Developers - Part #2

Inspiring and educative Software Developers - Part #2

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This a list of software developers I use to follow. They are very inspiring and educative to me, so I encourage you to keep an eye on the amazing work
I want to share with you the second part of the list of software developers I use to follow on RSS, GitHub, social media, YouTube and other channels. They are very inspiring and educative to me, so I encourage you to keep an eye on the amazing work they do. The order of the list does not follow any criteria. This is the first part of a series of videos, so don't forget to subscribe and don't miss any video. I hope you find it really interesting.

In order of appearance:
Davis King
David Murray
John Carmack
Bob Nystrom
Kamil Debowski
Fabrice Bellard

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